Epocilla aurantiaca (♂,♀) (SIMON, 1885)

  Sri Lanka

Ceylon, citation: 1885. Bull. Soc. Zool. France, 10: 30, (MCZ-IZ:35293). Comments from MCZ: Label reads: ´ Epocilla auriantiaca E.S. = praetextata. (Type) Ceylon. ´ Is this really a type? Species was described under ´Opistoncus´, not ´Epocilla´. This lot was with Peckham material at Milwaukee Public Museum, writing on label is similar to that on other Peckham Coll. material. - publ.: SCAN. 2019. Accessed on May 2019


Tonkin, leg.: Blaise L., (MNHN-LAR674)

 distribution by countries

India, Malacca, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Vietnam,