Corythalia foelixi (♂,♀) BAYER, 2020

In addition to the genus diagnosis, the following features characterize the species:


Body: MarkingsOpistosoma with dark or bright spots . basic colouring dark. Carapace: ColourationLaterally with light bands. Eyes: AERdorsal edge recurve. Labium: Lengthlonger than wide. Palp: GnathocoxaCorner present. Tibia - retrolateral tibial apophysis - characteristicsdorsal serration indistinct but present. base of RTA not or not distinctly wider than distal section. RTA in ventral view medium-sized in width (between 3x longer than broad and 4.5x). RTA medium-sized in length. RTA in retrolateral view more or less parallel with longitudinal axis of palp. RTA in retrolateral view without bent (or just indistinct bent). Tibia - ventral bump - sizemedium-sized (as long or about as long as width of sperm duct). Tibia - ventral bump - characteristicsmoderately conspicuous. conspicuous. Cymbium: Presence of prominent ridges or extensions ventrally absent. Tegulum: Widthtegulum as broad as cymbium. Shape of proximal halfproximal tegulum lobe present. Proximal lobe - positionat retrolateral half of tegulum. Proximal lobe - size rel.medium-sized. Proximal lobe - shaperegularly rounded. Special structureswith (fine) transversal ridge (often at distal half at the area of the border between embolic division and tegulum). Sperm duct - locationoccupying clearly more than retrolateral half and at most 3/4. Sperm duct - shapedouble-stacked S-shaped, with proximal loop larger than others. Embolus: Base positionin prolateral half (or, depending on the size, prolateral 2/3, 3/4, etc.) of tegulum, but not reaching the prolateral margin; at distal section. in prolateral half (or, depending on the size, prolateral 2/3, 3/4, etc.) of tegulum, in line with (or even extending) the prolateral margin; at distal section. Base circle sizemedium-sized. large (width between 2/3 and 3/4 the width of tegulum). Base - special structuresSpecial structures at/ on embolus base absent (except for indistinct ridges or flat bulges that are often recognisable). Arising point3 o´clock-position. 4 o´clock-position. 5 o´clock-position. Direction of distalmost sectiondistally to minimally prolatero-distally (not more than 10° angle from longitudinal axis of cymbium). width relation - at arising point - subdistallyat most 2x broader. width relation - subdistally - centrallyfrom > 1/2 to < 3/4 the width of central section. from > 3/4 to < 1x the width of central section. Shapecircular curved. bent counterclockwise. General structurewithout or with 1-3 (at most) longitudinal ridges. long. with less than 1/2 winding. without distinct embolic lamella over entire embolus length. without apophysis. in ventral view subdistally not narrower or narrower, but not distinctly narrower than proximally (more than 1/7 as broad. quite broad and hose-shaped. Special structuredistally regularly bifurcated. S-shaped. tip bent retrolaterally (tip may be very fine and light). without apohysis (apophyses). Legs: Leg formula4-3-1-2. Colourationcompletely or mainly with dark colour (e.g. dark red-brown) ((hardly with lighter sections, e.g. only tarsi lighter). Opisthosoma: Colourationthree bands; AM broadest; C second broadest, with dark chevron; PM narrowest. Distribution: Geographical DistributionSouth America.


Body: MarkingsOpistosoma with dark or bright spots . basic colouring dark. Carapace: ColourationLaterally with light bands. Eyes: AERdorsal edge recurve. Labium: Lengthlonger than wide. Palp: GnathocoxaCorner absent. Legs: Leg formula4-3-1-2. Opisthosoma: Colourationthree bands; AM broadest; C second broadest, with dark chevron; PM narrowest. Epigyne: Field - presencepresent. Field - widthclearly broader than long. Window - shapeoval. with transversal division (part of this devision might be indicated by colour difference or fine gradation). anterior 1/3 of epigynal window more or less as broad as posterior 1/3. Windows - septum - statecontinuous. very narrow. narrow (> 1/8, < 1/6 the width of epigynal window). separating more than only the posterior sections of epigynal windows. at anteriormost section clearly diverging. Window - posterior margin - distance to EpGF short. Window - posterior margin - positionreaching (or almost reaching or minimally extending) the epigastric furrow. Window - lateral margin - conditionwith gap (might be very conspicuous!). Window - anterior margin - conditionmargins of both epigynal windows anterio-medially not connected. Window - posterior half - shaperegularly rounded. Copulatory opening - locationlocated in anterior half of epigyne. Vulva: blind sac - lengthblind sac absent. fertilization duct - arising pointcentro-anteriorly. fertilization duct - widthinitial section of fertilisation duct narrow. primary spermatheca - shaperound. primary spermatheca - size rel.medium-sized (diameter of primary spermatheca more than 1/2 the length of epigynal window, but less than 2/3). primary spermatheca - position(all parts) clearly posterior of secondary spermatheca (in dorsal view with [clearly recognisable] gap between the two). secondary spermatheca - presencepresent. secondary spermatheca - shape"volumnious crescent"-shaped. secondary spermatheca - visibilityvisible through cuticle of the epigyne. secondary spermatheca - size rel. with the same size (at least approximately) as primary spermatheca. secondary spermatheca - spanspan over both secondary spermathecae longer than span over both primary spermathecae. secondary spermatheca - orientationlongitudinal (posterio-anteriorly; with spermathecal head orientated posteriorly). connective duct - initial positionposterio-medially. connective duct - widthvery narrow. connective duct - final positionanterio-medially. connective duct - shapestraight (or at least approximately straight) longitudinally. connective duct - length rel.long (length of connective duct / width of primary spermatheca > or equal 1.5, but < 2). head of spermatheca - shapeelongated (length > or equal 1.25x the width, but < 1.75x). head of spermatheca - orientationstraight posterior. Distribution: Geographical DistributionSouth America.