Jollas minutus (♂,♀) (PETRUNKEVITCH, 1930)

relevant references order by year or order by Author
EDWARDS, G. B. & WOLFF, R. J. (1995)

A list of the jumping spiders (Salticidae) of the islands of the Caribbean region. PECKHAMIA, Simpsonville 3 (2): 27-60.
METZNER, H. (1996-2024)

Jumping spiders (Arachnida: Araneae: Salticidae) of the world. Online at  Link to publication

The spiders of Porto Rico. Part three. Trans. Connect. Acad. Arts Sci., Connecticut 31: 1-191,.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758.  366 pp.
ROEWER, C. Fr. (1954)

Katalog der Araneae von 1758 bis 1940 2. Band (Salticiformia, Cribellata). Inst.Roy.Sc.Nat.Bel. 975-1279.
RUBIO, G. D., ARGANARAZ, C. I. & GLEISER, R. M. (2015)

A new species of jumping spider Neonella GERTSCH, with notes on the genus and male identification key (Araneae, Salticidae). ZooKeys 532: 1-14.
VARGAS, A. J. (2000)

Effects of fertilizer addition and debris removal on leaf-litter spider communities at two elevations. The Journal of Arachnology 28 (1): 79-89.
VOGEL, B. R. (1969)

Spider types at Yale Peabody Museum. Published privately by the author