Trite longipalpis (♂,♀) MARPLES, 1955

relevant references order by year or order by Author
MARPLES, B. J. (1955)

Spiders from some Pacific Islands. Pacific Science 9: 69-76.
MARPLES, B. J. (1959)

Spiders from some Pacific islands, III. The Kingdom of Tonga. Pacific Science 13: 362-367.
MARPLES, B. J. (1964)

Spiders from some Pacific islands, part V. Pacific Science 18: 399-410.
PATOLETA, B., ŻABKA, M. (2017)

A new species of Trite SIMON, 1885 (Araneae: Salticidae) from New Zealand, with remarks on Trite relationships and radiation. PeerJ 5 (e3463): 1-19.

Catalogue of Salticidae (Araneae): Synthesis of Quotations in the World Literature since 1940, with Basic Taxonomic Data since 1758.  366 pp.